What Are the Top 6 Causes of Battery Drainage Problems (With Solutions) for Wheelchair Vans?
Battery drainage problems for wheelchair vans can be incredibly frustrating to deal with, especially when your clients need transportation.
Wheelchair Van Customization for Handi and Urban Transit Programs
Is your organization considering purchasing a wheelchair van and wondering about wheelchair van customization for handi/urban transit? Read on to learn more.
Buying an Accessible Vehicle for Healthcare and Transportation – Your Process With MoveMobility
In this article, you’ll learn what the buying process looks like with MoveMobility from beginning to end.
What Are the Annual Fuel Costs for Wheelchair Accessible Vans?
Are you trying to figure out how much fuel it’ll cost your organization annually for wheelchair accessible vans? Read this article to learn all about it.
Wheelchair Accessible Vans: Bridging Gaps in Inclusivity
Is your First Nations community looking to bring people together and make it more cohesive? Learn how wheelchair accessible vans can help with that.
How Much Does a Wheelchair Van Cost?
Budgeting for a new wheelchair accessible van can be complicated. We review what makes up the cost of a wheelchair van and how much they cost.
8 Considerations for Choosing a Van for Handi-Transit/Urban Transit Programs
Figuring out how to choose a van for handi-transit and urban transit programs is a daunting task. Learn all the tips you’ll need to get started here.
Low Costs, High Risks: Non-Profits’ Dilemma with Accessible Vehicles
Some non-profit organizations justify the lowest-priced option for accessible vehicles, knowing it has the highest risk of a headache. Why do they do that?
What Are the Top 5 Misconceptions of AutoFloor?
Are you in the market for a wheelchair accessible van and have no idea what idea AutoFloor even is? Read this article to learn about its misconceptions.